Friday, March 30, 2012

As I sit here tonight, knowing I am venturing out on my own tomorrow morning... I find myself thinking "I can't wait for tomorrow!".

I know it's just a day of driving 10 hours through areas I have driven so many times, but it's different this time. I'm driving to more than just my home town. I'm driving to my new life

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Change: become different, alter, adjust

If you know me, you know I'm all about spontaneity; but only if it fits into my schedule.

To find out that, after spending a year making this 'life changing' decision, there was CHANGE to my plans... I questioned my entire life plans. Luckily, I'm a believer, I rely on God and I have complete FAITH, so it wasn't as devastating as I thought, nor for as long as I thought it might be.

Changes to my plans involve my work... most of you know I have worked for myself as a business management consultant since 2004 and I LOVE what I do and feel very BLESSED to have my job. One change to my plans, which came about recently, is that I will be signing an employment agreement with one of my clients and stepping away from my business. This is a little scary in the respect that I will now have to answer to someone else, follow corporate rules and be 'at a desk' during 'normal business hours'. On the other hand... this is a client that I have known for 7 years, has had the same passion for energy and sustainability in the building industry as I have and has designed a product and system that I have been involved with for the last 6 years, so to be honest... I am EXTREMELY excited! This is a dream come true!!

Due to the near future change in my employment status, I have had to make adjustments to my 'life plan' of traveling the world. Originally, what was to be a 'year long, find myself, serve others, no plans, take it easy' type of journey, is now a 'short jaunts, serve others' mission! As I thought about the change that accepting this position was going to bring about to my personal goals, I assumed this was Gods way of telling me that I was making the wrong decision. About what, I didn't know! I questioned EVERYTHING that I had prayed about, thought about and talked about for the last year! I am normally amused by Gods sense of humor, but this was different... He was changing up all the plan I made.

Once I realized that these are really His plans... : ) It was much easier to accept the changes and move forward. I am extremely happy and feel very blessed to know that I will still be traveling, doing photography and serving others AND the changes I was not wanting to accept have actually made it possible to do more for others!

So... I'm ready for you life! Bring it on....

til my next post... jlk

Sunday, December 18, 2011

So, here we are... 2011 coming to a close. I've never been one for all of the New Years 'hoopla' and certainly never one for 'resolutions' and this year is no different. I believe that the end of the year is a time for reflection of good choices and bad choices. If you don't like where the bad ones got you... change it up!

Celebrating my birthday 2 days early on Saturday Dec 17th with BF and the kids was amazing... one of my favorite things to do is to have my family together. The times that we are able to do so anymore are few and far between, due to them all insisting on growing up and getting their own lives. How dare they be the beautiful, responsible adults I am so blessed to have raised! : )

So... the end of this year brings the start of another, and although this is the usual pattern, this next year brings about change in MY life!  Lookout world... HERE I COME!

til my next post... jlk

Monday, December 5, 2011

Oh, the things people say...

I mentioned it briefly in my last post, but figured I would touch a little more on what my plans are for the near future. 

In order to do so, we must go back a bit... to when I was young and first discovered two things in my life that I had a passion for. One of these being construction, which I suppose came from 'helping' my dad remodel and build an addition on to our house. I wasn't old enough to do much but hand him tools, but I remember the feeling of being there with him and waiting to see the end product. I later discovered that the appreciation was actually for architecture, the style - the design, and the feeling of connection to older structures and the history and the life within them. My other passion is photography and if you know my family... it is probably weaved somewhere in our DNA. ~My sister has more pictures of anything imaginable (even a deceased man in the park in Australia) and cameras are a perfect gift for any one of us on any occasion.~ I realized this appreciation I had when my dad let me take my first picture on his Kodak Brownie Starflex top viewfinder camera. The fact that I could capture what I saw and suspend it in time for others to appreciate was a powerful and humbling feeling. I knew then, that this is what I wanted to do... show others MY View through the lens.

Jumping ahead a bit... When I discovered I would be starting my family at the age of 20, I made the decision to go in the direction of construction as it seemed to be more stable than trying to be a freelance photographer, traveling the world while raising children. I never regretted that decision for one moment and my love for architecture grew into a career and ultimately my own business. I have been blessed to be the mother of 3 of the most wonderful children AND a proxy mother to 4 additional children. I am thankful that I've had BF by my side for the last 25 years. I am grateful for the 4 (soon to be 5) most wonderful, beautiful, G-Babies in the entire world. 

I am humbled by the choice made for the next segment in my life. If you know me...  you know I have spent almost my entire life relying on God, prayer and my faith in all of my decisions and this is no different. I feel a 'calling' to do what I'll be doing... leaving my home here in AZ in March 2012 to travel and explore the world; serving others through my photography, service work, my profession and most of all, my faith... indefinitely. This does not mean forever, this means until I am satisfied that I have done all I am supposed to do, need to do or want to do.

Having had a couple of years (or a lifetime) to contemplate this next step in my life, I thought of the questions that may be asked and almost everything that someone would say to me.... and I contemplated what each person might think of my choice. It wasn't so much that I was concerned with what others may think... but more for processing my own feelings and thoughts. As I have shared my plans with several people, it has been interesting to hear the responses from family and friends when I tell them of my plans to leave home, travel the world, serve people and do photography. 

Following are a few of the responses I have received, along with my reply or thoughts to each one. A few have been exactly what I thought they might and some have not... but, I guess nothing has surprised me. : )

                  "I'd like to help others more ~ I want to go!"
*If you would like to help others, then do so. If you want to go, then go. I appreciate the sentiment behind this and felt like this my entire life. I am now acting on it and if anyone else feels this way... they should follow their hearts as well.

                 "So, you're going to go to Europe to do photography?"
*Yes, I am. In addition to the MANY other things I hope to accomplish, this is one of them. The type of photography I'll be doing is a big part of my journey and I hope it plays an even bigger part in what I would like to accomplish. I will not be living each day to find the perfect photo, but rather living each day to find the perfect moment and hope that through a photo I can show others what I see.

                 "You're running out on your family?"
*No, my family is ALWAYS with me no matter where I am. My children are all grown, have lives of their own and support me in this decision. BF and I have always had a great relationship and although this may be difficult... he supports me as well. If you feel that I am running off, then please talk with me to gain an understanding of what I'm doing. If you still don't understand, then wish me well and go about your life.
   Side Note on this: My younger sis said exactly this to me, but later called me to 'apologize' for this being her first reaction. She then said to me that 'this must be what you are meant to do because you handled my comment with such grace'. This meant more to me than she will ever know. Nobody has ever told me I had grace... how humbling. I love you sis!

                 "I am jealous... I want to do that too."
*This has to be the response that I have the hardest time with. I am not a fan of the word 'jealous' and I don't think others should feel this way EVER! This says to me that you have a grudge against me and are resentful of my choice. How could anyone ever be resentful of any work done for God or for someones own personal well being? Be happy for me... and if you want to do something that makes you happy - do it, but don't be jealous, ever!

                 "How are you going to afford that? How much is it going to cost?"
*This is a question that I find distasteful coming from anyone that does not contribute to my financial security. If you are interested in contributing to my journey, I am more than happy to accept any contribution and to share this information with you; however, do not question someones finances just out of curiosity. It's rude.

                 "Why not Arkansas? There are needy people there." 
*I was actually asked this exact question and only once. The person who asked it did so from a concerned, loving heart... so my following response doesn't apply to her. : )   But...

What I HAVE heard, more than once, is... 'There are plenty of people here in the U.S. that need help, why not help your own people rather than people from another country?'. My answer to that is that I do not now, nor ever have, think that one person is better than another... no matter where you come from. My family, only 3 generations back, came from England. BF's family, only 2 generations back, came from Sweden. My girls family, only 4 generations back, came from Germany. I have 4 proxy children from several different countries. Just because I have made a decision to travel outside the US and what I will be doing is serving others... do NOT get on your high horse and preach about something YOU are not, have not or will not do! You have no idea what I have contributed to right here in my own backyard. If you asked this question, or made this statement, then my response to you is... "You are absolutely correct! People in the U.S. need help... GO HELP THEM!" 

I am so excited to start this next step of my life and look forward to the people I will meet and the experiences I will have. Being able to touch ONE life with the word of God is almost overwhelming... and I pray that I do exactly that.

Well... enough explanation and chiding for now.

til my next post... jlk

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I'm back...

...with more resolve than anticipated!
ME here... back on MY View. Yes... I realize it's been awhile. Remember my post about not holding your breath?

I suppose my blog has been lacking in subject matter... to say the least. I guess either work, kids, G-babies, travel, business, thoughts or just mundane everyday life were more important than sharing on here, but those things happen. It's not like much of that changed... I just decided to make more of a commitment to share my thoughts, pics, rants and ramblings more often on here rather than to everyone around me. (I hear the cheering)

Latest news... Well, I have spent a lot of time thinking, soul searching, ranting and decision making over the last year and after discussing my latest decision with most of my family and friends... I can now share it here.

I will be leaving Arizona, my home and BF in March to travel the world, follow my dream, work on my photography and hopefully make a change through serving others. (Insert dramatic score of music here) Even if the change I hope to make affects only one person - I'm okay with that. (Insert heartfelt music score here)

It is not a decision that was made lightly or that even came as a surprise to those who know me best. I am extremely excited, and a little scared, to move forward with this next volume of my life. Every word, page, act and chapter so far has been more exciting than anyone could ever dream. The best part, by far, has been my children (all of them)... raising them, knowing them and watching them grow into the most wonderful, loving individuals I could ever have the privilege to know! AND... they support me in almost every decision I have ever made, with this one probably being one of the most difficult for them to understand. The next best part... is the man that has stood by my side through the last 25 years. Raising our 3 (at times more) children, putting up with my oh-so-MANY moods, making me laugh, making me angry, testing my patience, showing me restraint, keeping me grounded, trusting me to push him to take chances and most of all... supporting me through everything! He is my true friend! The fact that he supports me in pursuing my dreams proves that. The latest chapter has brought 4 (soon to be 5) beautiful, wonderful G-Babies to our family. They are full of hugs, kisses, love, excitement and innocence... and we are blessed to have them. We have made a decision to go our separate ways and if the future brings us back together... awesome! If not... that's okay too. 

Quite a few people have questioned our decision to remain together with a 'break up date', but I suppose we have always had a different relationship and apparently this is no different. We went into our relationship unconventionally and eventually fell in love. We actually exerted an effort in being 'faithful partners' and staying together through 'good times AND bad; sickness AND health; in joy as well as sorrow' and did it without the requirement of a *piece of paper. With all that said... we now have made a mutual decision to NOT stay together. I will be traveling, BF will be doing whatever it is he will be doing; our relationship of passion has changed over the last years, but our love for each other is still very much intact. No matter the extent of explanation, some people will get it, most won't; thus... it is what it is and it's our decision. We are happy and that is what matters! 

This decision was not made lightly... the impact on my family will be great, but me knowing they understand my reasons and them knowing that I won't be 'gone' from them forever makes it easier. I have always taught my children to be strong, follow their dreams, love others and most of all rely on God! The fact that I am doing just that... shows them that I practice what I preach. I believe I have always shown them that you fight for what you want and the fact that their father and I fought for our relationship shows them that I believe that as well. And with skype, blogs, pics, global phones, facebook, twitter and every other social medium that is out there... We will never be too far away from each other. 

I look forward to the next volume of my life and sharing it with anyone who wants to read about it... or ask about it. 

Til my next post... jlk

*Note: I am not against marriage, just those that look upon not being married as a sin. I'm sure that raised some disgruntled eyebrows and although I welcome your comments... that discussion/debate/topic is for another post.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Don't hold your breath...

Like I said in my bio... I procrastinate. Considering it has taken me a month to publish another post, you may not want to hold your breath for the next one.... just saying.

I suppose wanting to write about this particular subject is what pushed me... EF Foundation for Foreign Study! EF is a worldwide, non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging cultural awareness through international education and exchange. It not only says this on their website ( they actually DO 'encourage cultural awareness' 24/7 ~ 365 days a year!

I have been a 'member' of this foundation since 2003, when my then 17 year old daughter ran into the house after practice at her high school asking if we could "pleeeeaaaasssseeee host an exchange student". I answered back with a nervous, but happy "Of course!" and that was the beginning of a fantastic journey! 2 weeks after my daughter came to me, we welcomed Carmen from Germany into our home and to this day... she is part of our family! A few years later, Mons from Sweden joined our family and the following year... Rasmus from Denmark and Pier from Italy.
Each year that we hosted these kids, it was in addition to our own 3 children. It certainly made life interesting, eventful and worth while! While hosting Carmen, our house was filled with girls... teenage girls! Not only the 3 at home, but each of their friends. This brought additional shoes, clothes, make-up, all night giggling, the aroma of perfume lightly traveling after them as they left the house, parties and... yep, BOYS!

It was a very trying time for Eric, but the tables turned years later when we hosted Mons, then Rasmus and Pier together the following year. The house was now filled with stinky socks, cleats and uniforms, Thursday AND Friday night football games, soccer games, track meets, fights to do their chores, the rumbles of XBox games on Hi-Def, amplified speakers and the pungent smell of cologne that stayed long after the boys left for the night. 

There were many trips to the ER for cactus wounds, football injuries, concussions, sprains and cuts for both the boys and there were language barriers and additional help with homework. The wonderful thing is... we wouldn't trade one second of it!! I am proud to say we are parents of 3 American children and 4 European children!

I worked as an IEC (International Exchange Coordinator) for a very short period of time and realized... that's just not for me. I have become friends with a few of the IEC's and RC's (Regional Coordinator) and hold a high respect for each of them! This is not an easy or well paid job to have, yet they devote every extra minute of their lives to this program so that students (our kids) have an opportunity to experience other cultures. Not only the students that travel to the U.S., but the families as well. My son traveled to Europe after graduating high school and would have never had this opportunity without EF! EF did not sponsor it, but it is through them that we met our 4 other family members, and the family that comes with them. He traveled to Sweden, Denmark, Spain and Germany and everywhere he went, he felt he was with family.

Even though being an IEC was not for me, due to other work obligations, I still wanted to remain involved, so I have been the Airport Supervisor for AZ for 3 years now. Basically, I meet the students arriving, leaving or just travelling through Phoenix Sky Harbor airport to make sure they get to their destination safely. Some of the kids overnight at our house on their way to Northern Arizona and leave a lasting impression of enthusiasm and and excitement of what the year holds for them, others say no more than 10 words as the nervousness and fear of making a mistake in speaking English overtakes them. Either way... we remember each and every one of them and I am proud to be a 'member' of this organization!

til my next post... jlk

Sunday, July 24, 2011

MY Life... MY family

MY View... where I'll be sharing a lot about ME, which also includes my family. You may see references to them and stories about them, so it helps to know a little bit about who they are... plus it tells you a lot about who I am!

Okay, we'll start with... BF, which can refer to either my Best Friend or my Boy Friend. BF is the man I have spent the last 25 years of my life with and both references are appropriate, considering we've never married. It's not for lack of thinking about it a few times and maybe even talking about it in some detail and CERTAINLY not for lack of our oldest daughters efforts; however, I believe the basic reasons why it never happened could be that we knew we were both committed to each other and we could have cared less about the 'ritual' part of it. Regardless, we have been through countless things together; some life changing, some small and I know that without BF... I wouldn't have made it through most of them.

BF is a very 'laid back' personality and 'goes with the flow' for the most part. His personality is an ideal contrast to mine, although there have been many times we haven't see it that way. He is conscientious with finances and competitive in any sport or game that involves 'winning'. He 'misplaces' almost everything he touches and uses certain words incorrectly -to the ongoing amusement of our 2nd daughter. He will cook and do the dishes if they need to be done and on rare occasion, he has lost his temper. According to daughter #2, you know when he has reached his blowing point by the vein in his forehead popping out. He is fearless when it comes to ANYTHING involving physical activity. He will stand at the very edge of the highest point of a cliff at the Grand Canyon, 4 wheel his Jeep over the steepest point of the highest mountain and dive into the deepest waters. I believe his only fear is that of change, of any kind, in normal everyday life.

Our love has been, is and will be one that is incomparable. It has also been ever-changing through the years and though most of our moments have been that of great happiness, we also had times of despair and contempt... but we dealt with each moment as it happened. We didn't come into this relationship lightly, like so many others seem to do. Somedays we struggled and fought to stay together and other days it was effortless... those days surpassed any of the difficult days. We have pushed each others buttons more than a thousand times and I'm quite certain that a few of those times they were pushed on purpose. My OCD and his phlegmatic personality does not meld well in most circumstances pertaining to picking up after himself (shoes do NOT go under the bakers rack in the dining room), replacing something he uses (the guitar polish does NOT go in the end table drawer in the living room), finding the 'right' place for something (tools go in the $1500 toolbox in the shed, NOT in the kitchen drawer nor the bathroom nor the linen closet) or just using the right thing for the job (one of the 12 screwdrivers work better than my kitchen knife). I've learned to live with some of this over the years and he has CERTAINLY learned to live with me!

We have made a great parenting team and we have 3 wonderful children to prove this, so yes... I feel I can brag about that. We have (almost) always agreed and stood behind each other in any decision regarding our kids. We alternated nights of worry if one of them was out too late and made it to almost every game, performance, activity and school function possible. We took them on vacations, celebrated holidays and sometimes gave in when they were being punished yet had an event to go to. We didn't always make the best choices for them, but always taught them to stand up for themselves, follow their dreams, don't steal and don't lie. I would have to say... we did a great job! They are the most awesome kids anyone could EVER ask for and the most wonderful adults anyone could ever meet!! To top it off... 2 of them are excellent parents themselves now and I have no doubt the other one will be as well.

Which brings me to.... my children! We have 2 daughters (16 months apart) and a son (6 years after that). They are the most beautiful people you will ever meet... inside and out. I have to add here that our family grew in 2003 when our German daughter skipped (literally - she never walked... only skipped, ran or scampered) into our lives and then again in 2009 when our Swedish son sauntered (yes, sauntered) into our home and hearts. In 2010 it grew a little more with the addition of our Italian and Danish sons... and I am so thankful for each and every one of them!

Here is a synopsis on each one (because I could go on and on about them)

Eldest Daughter, (aka Sky) is full of life, happy, funny, determined, protective, driven, energetic and simple. She put herself through school to become a teacher... all while going through a marriage, divorce, new relationship, 3 difficult pregnancies, 3 wonderful and fearless boys and countless other obstacles. Sky likes to re-tell stories of her childhood and 9 times out of 10 gets the details wrong... to the amusement of her family. She does not see the hilarity we do, but being the good sport she is... she will usually get mad and walk away... leaving us all rolling on the floor in laughter. At 26, she recently learned to walk without tripping and we couldn't be more pleased. She is much like her mother in that she doesn't take teasing very well... therefore, she is teased constantly! She has a bigger heart than anyone I know and rarely gets angry.

Younger Daughter, (aka Kel) is also full of life (if she has had enough sleep and there is coffee), happy, funny, determined, protective, individualistic, impulsive and complex. She has an amazing artistic talent, but doesn't use it as much as she should. She works her butt off to provide for herself and her daughter and would drop anything to help a friend. Kel likes to live on the edge with most things, especially traffic tickets. We believe she may be independently wealthy, as she prefers to pay them once they have gone from $120 to $1500. She could also be the poster child for driving with a cell phone... she doesn't touch it while driving and will lecture anyone who does. She knows fashion better than any high paid designer and yet is quite comfortable (and cute) in her faded, bleached 'muumuu'.

Son, (aka Colt) is full of life (always able to find something to do), happy, funny, determined, protective, inquisitive, strong and precarious. He hasn't made up his mind what he wants to do with life yet, because he has his mothers attention span... but continues to search. He is very loyal to what he commits to and believes in and he is very thoughtful with everyone he knows. He is a strong person and through his courage... has conquered many fears. Colt can go from driving me absolutely insane to melting my heart in a matter of seconds. He, like his father, has no fear when it comes to any dangerous sport, stunt or activity.

I admire everyone of my children and the traits that make them who they are... I hope someday I can grow up to be just like them! They have a lot in common and most people can tell they are related, but they are unique of one another in so many ways which makes them the most wonderful individuals I know.

That's my condensed description of BF and the kids ~ MY world . MY life . MY everything!

til my next post... jlk